How do you choose ...

the right solution for your business?

Navigating the world of sales technology can be overwhelming.

The questions are endless … just like your choices.  


Even for industry experts, it’s extremely challenging to keep up with what each piece of software does … how well it does it … and how it compares to the competition.


Choosing a provider is a critical step … but it’s just the first step.  


Customizing it to your business, training your employees, getting adoption, integrating it into  your technology stack, and keeping your application relevant, etc. will determine your ROI.  


We can help. 


In our Interim Sales Leadership and Fractional Sales Management engagements, we work with whatever CRM vendor our clients use.  


That said, we do have our preferences.   


Especially when hired to source the best choice for a client. 


Our CRM expertise comes from decades of use as sales professionals, sales managers, sales executives, and sales enablement implementers.  We utilize that expertise in building highly effective sales processes, workflow automations, data management, and integrations for our clients.    

Technology Services

Sales Tech Sourcing, Implementation, and support.

Consultation & Planning

Deep dive to understand your current approach, workflows, integrations, needs, and intentions. Successful implementations start in the planning stage.

Implementation & Customization

Customizing technology to fit your business needs, rather than altering your business to fit the technology. Ensure the product you select can be customized to your needs.


Virtual and In-Person training options to ensure each user is comfortable and capable of optimizing the tools provided.

Custom Reporting

High adoption coupled with an optimal design creates insightful analytics instantly available with our custom reporting.

Intelligent Integrations

make for increased efficiency, productivity and save valuable time … allowing sales professionals to spend more time selling.  

Experience & Expertise

Sales and Sales Tools have been our business for 40 Years.

Time Saved

Do you have the time to become an expert in yet another tool?

One Less Hire

Save on the cost of hiring a Sales Enablement Manager.

No Expensive Integrators

Some CRM choices require system integrators that could cost up to $100K+ per year.

Why us?

We use and support what we implement.  


We’re not bots.   We are sales leaders who have been in your shoes.  


We know what frontline users, managers, and executives need.   We understand the use case and the users.  Those building the process, those supporting the process and the clients affected by the process.

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